
Jiaxiu Cai is an Assistant Professor at the School of Architecture of the Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK). She is a scholar practitioner and a practice-oriented scholar working at the intersection of landscape, urbanism, and architecture. She has exerted herself to develop design methodologies and tools to enlighten, inspire and assist urban designers in the design process. Her research and teaching uncover how designers reason, how practices are changing, and how new technologies play a role in practices. These insights feed into teaching and learning in Urban and Landscape Design Education. This results in 1) generating effective design instruments for practice (both human-based and computational ) and 2) providing new insights of Landscape and Urbanism. Prior to CUHK, she was an Assistant Professor of Urban Design at Harbin Institute of Technology, Shenzhen. She also taught design studios at various architecture schools, such as TU Delft, KU Leuven, Napoli Federico II, HUST, etc, and practiced in internationally renowned offices ThomsonAdssett and KCAP.

Jiaxiu’s first book, Design with Forms as well as Patterns (2018), demonstrates how the morphological approach in combination with the pattern language approach assist urban designers to achieve historical continuity in urban design both on theory and application levels. Her second book,together with Professor Henco Bekkering, Mapping Wuhan: Morphological Atlas of the Urbanization of a Chinese City (2021), applies the Delft school of morphological approach, reveals Wuhan transformation and distills its spatial structural elements intending to assist decision-making on the city’s future development. Her edited special issue in Landscape Architecture, together with Professor GUO Wei, Mapping and Design of the Urban Landscape (2022), has invited notable international scholars and designer to showcase mapping research and projects across the continents. Her two ongoing research projects: 1) Transitional Adaptive Territories: Urban-Rural Landscape as a Tool to Enhance Sustainable Development focuses on the Northern New Territory and its adjacent cities Hongkong-Shenzhen; and 2) Mapping the Urban-Rural Landscape System in Pearl River Delta reveals the structural changes due to urbanization and distills the underlying spatial mechanism across scales.

Research Interests

  • Urban Design Theory and Method
  • Landscape Urbanism
  • Urban Design Pedagogy
  • Design Thinking and Design Process
  • Pearl River Delta
  • Northern New Territory

Selected Publications


Mapping and Design of the Urban Landscape
CAI, J., GUO, W. (Eds.) (2022), Mapping and Design of the Urban Landscape, 《城市景观的设计与图析》, Beijing: Landscape Architecture Press

Mapping Wuhan: Morphological atlas of the Urbanization of a Chinese City
Bekkering, H. C., CAI, J., Kuijper, J. A., ZHANG, K., & CHEN, W. (2021), Mapping Wuhan: Morphological atlas of the Urbanization of a Chinese City, TU Delft Open, view more.

Design with forms as well as patterns
CAI, J. (2018), Design with forms as well as patterns. A+BE | Architecture and the Built Environment, view more.


Pattern Language of Accessible Community and the Application on Community Planning

CAI, J., LIN, K*., SUN, J., FUN, Y. (2024). 无障碍社区模式语言建构及社区规划应用 [Pattern Language of Accessible Community and the Application on Community Planning].南方建筑 [South Architecture],169(03),99-107.

Cross-scale Mapping as an Interpretation Methodology and Analytical Tool for the Complex Urban-Rural Landscape System

CAI, J., LIN, X*., LIU, H. (2023). 基于跨尺度图析的城乡复杂景观系统认知方法和工具 [Cross-scale Mapping as an Interpretation Methodology and Analytical Tool for the Complex Urban-Rural Landscape System].国际城市规划 [Urban Planning International], 38(6),1-11.

A Retrospective Reconstruction: Mapping as an Interpretation and Design Tool for Urban Design

CAI, J., QIN, X., GUO, W. (2022), 图析作为城市认知与设计工具的回顾性重构 (A Retrospective Reconstruction: Mapping as an Interpretation and Design Tool for Urban Design), 风景园林 (Landscape Architecture), 29(11), pp.12-20

Mapping Detroit and Wuhan
Bekkering, H., CAI, J. (2022), 图析底特律与武汉 (Mapping Detroit and Wuhan), 风景园林 (Landscape Architecture), 29(11), pp.49-58

The Landscape Structure Transformation on Water Towns in Pearl River Delta in the Past Century
YANG, X., LIN, X.,LIU, H., CAI, J. (2022), 景观结构尺度下珠三角传统水乡格局的近百年变迁 (The Landscape Structure Transformation on Water Towns in Pearl River Delta in the Past Century), 风景园林 (Landscape Architecture), 31(5), pp.103-109

Mapping Wuhan: historical morphological research
Bekkering, H., CAI, J., & Kuijper, J. (2019), Mapping Wuhan: historical morphological research, Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers - Urban Design and Planning, 172(2), pp.47–60, view more.

Translating the Everyday, a Pattern Language as a tool for Hanzheng Street Transformation
CAI, J., Bekkering, H., & Van Dorst, M. (2018), 转译“日常”:汉正街演进的模式语言 (Translating the Everyday, a Pattern Language as a tool for Hanzheng Street Transformation), 城市建筑 (Urbanism and Architecture), 297(10), pp.19–25

Thinking in Forms as well as in Patterns: An Integrated Framework for Urban Morphology, A Pattern Language and Urban Design
CAI, J. (2015), Thinking in Forms as well as in Patterns: An Integrated Framework for Urban Morphology, A Pattern Language and Urban Design, view more.

Research Projects

Design Methodologies as Teaching Strategies for the International Collaborative Design Studios in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Great Bay Area
Principal Investigator, Teaching Development and Language Enhancement Grant, funded by The Chinese University of Hong Kong; Since 2024

Transitional Adaptive Territories: Urban-Rural Landscape as a Tool to Enhance Sustainable Development
Principal Investigator, Improvement on Competitiveness in Hiring New Faculties Funding Scheme, funded by The Chinese University of Hong Kong; Since 2023

Transitional Adaptive Territories: Urban-Rural Landscape as a Tool to Enhance Sustainable Development
Principle Investigator, Start-up fund, funded by Chinese University of Hongkong; Since 2023

Mapping the Urban-Rural Landscape System in Pearl River Delta
Principle Investigator, Collective Project of Philosophy and Social Science Planning Program, funded by Guangdong Province; Since 2022

Lingnan Water-City Spatial Mechanism and Design Guidelines for New Water Cities
Principle Investigator, funded by China Academy of Urban Planning and Design, Shenzhen Branch; Since 2022

New Education Bay: University Campus Form and Design Strategies
Co-Principal Investigator, High Level Education Program, funded by the Education Planning Fund of Guangdong Province; Since 2022

Shenzhen Portrait: The Analysis, Design and Representation of the Urban Form
Principle Investigator, Newly Introduced High-Level Talent Financial Subsidy Research Start-Up Project, funded by Shenzhen Government; Since 2021

CAI Jaixiu 03

Assistant Professor

Ph.D (TU Delft)
BArch (HUST)

Rm. 203, Lee Shau Kee Architecture Building, CUHK

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