Design and Technology are inseparable in attaining Sustainable Design solutions. BTSD is based on an understanding that successful architecture is a seamless integration between the two, where comprehensive and innovative solutions can be explored through a broad spectrum of applications, including responses addressing: climate, comfort, construction, material resources, and use.

This research-based design platform enables and supports investigations in Building Technology and Sustainability at multiple scales in order to develop integrated design strategies that are appropriate to specific design problems, and that support solutions for the longevity of the built environment. Sustainability is a way of thinking, implementing, and designing that informs a user-motivated architecture, placing primary value on our environment.

“Sustainability and bad design are contradictions in terms. It is the quality of architecture itself that contributes to both personal well-being and longevity of the built environment” (Matthias Sauerbruch)

Selected Research Projects

  • Building Envelope: Building Occupant (Lovell)
  • A Study of Impact of Building Envelope on Urban Outdoor Thermal Environment (Maing)
  • A Bridge Too Far (Ng)
  • Demonstration Environmental and Sustainable Village Primary School in Gansu Province (Ng)
  • Knowledge-based Landscape Assessment Tool for Building Design and Construction (Ng)
  • Outdoor Thermal Comfort in High-density Urban Areas of Subtropical Cities (Ren)
  • Application of Sunlight and Shadow Analysis for Layout and Site Planning (Tsou)
  • School Redevelopment with Light Gauge Steel Prefabricated System (Tsou)
  • Modernization of Vernacular Timber Construction from Yi – an experimental project for a primary school hall (Zhu)
  • Applying innovative light building system on the Plateau: Construction for Yushu Lawuga Primary School, Qinghai Province (Zhu)

Selected Studio Projects

  • Shelter for Homeland, G1 MArch 1 2014-2015 (Zhu)
  • Vertical City and Lifestyle Living for Sustainable Urbanism Shelter for Homeland,
  • G2 MArch 1 2014-2015 (Tsou)
  • Green Building Design – The New Sustainable Prototype, G19 MArch 1 2013-2014 (Tsou)
  • Sustainable (Zero Energy) Design, G17 MArch 1 2012-2013 (Ng / Ren)
  • Eco-Community for Future Ocean Cities in Sub-Tropical Region, G19 MArch 1 2012-2013 (Tsou)
  • In.ter.face, G12 MArch 1 2011-2012 (Lovell)
  • Sustainable Urban Project for China Tomorrow, G11 MArch 1 2011-2012 (Tsou)
  • Structure and Passive Environmental Design, U4 BSSc Yr 3 2014-2015 (Lonnman)
  • Comprehensive Building Design, U6 BSSc Yr 4 2014-2015 (Maing)
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