A research team led by Prof. Edward Ng has been granted HK$7.2 million by the Research Impact Fund (RIF) 2022/23 to conduct the study “Increasing the Resilience to the Health Impacts of Extreme Cold Weather on the Older Population under Future Climate Change”.

With climate change, the weather will fluctuate more in the future, with hot days getting hotter and cold days getting colder. Combined with the understanding of extreme heat from an earlier study, Prof. Ng’s team will assess the impact of extreme heat and extreme cold weather on the health of the older population, and develop a comprehensive plan with better urban planning and building design in response. This study will provide a methodological framework for incorporating scientific knowledge about extreme temperatures and their impacts to safeguard the health and well-being of elderly people. The findings of the study will help the Hong Kong Observatory transform its current weather information system into a more comprehensive one that is capable of reflecting conditions in different districts in a timely manner; formulate guidelines for urban planners, architects, developers and other industry professionals to build a sustainable, healthy city under the vision of Hong Kong’s Climate Action Plan 2030+ and Hong Kong’s Climate Action Plan 2050; and develop housing protocols to better cater to elderly people’s needs under extreme weather conditions.

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