The Glitch

POON, Long Wun Adabelle; CHAN, Ho Kiu Angel

2020-21 MArch 2

Supervisor: Prof. CROSSLEY, Tatjana

The strange and unknown in the experience of anonymous city life is the characteristic of modern age. The students go through ‘non-places’ through numerous mundane moments aimlessly with no intention to get familiar with the surroundings, only observing other people and daily life in a detached, subjective, isolated way, unaware of the relationship between the small elements in the built environment and our psyche. Their project would like to challenge the behaviors and adaptations of both the users and the architectural elements through the eyes of the essential "others" with filmic techniques. By this intention the students also develop a critical attitude towards the speed, desensitization, conditioning and anonymity of contemporary life and architecture in the city.

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