Honjima Carpentry Learning District Proposal

CHEUNG Nga Kei Cherry

2022-23 MArch 2

Supervisors: Prof. Lily ZHANG, Mr. Wataru SHINJI

Located at the centre of the Seto Inland Sea, Honjima is one of the most developed islands in the Shiwaku region. The Kosho region in Honjima, with its proximity to the coast, an abundance of land, shrines and Setouchi Triennale artworks, is chosen for the proposed development plan of a carpentry learning district. The new design for the carpentry workshop, gallery, storage, information centres, office, and pavilions will adopt wooden logs, components and materials recycled from the 13 abandoned houses in the neighbourhood.

About the Course

Course: MArch Design Studio - Designing Environment

From a human perspective, nature appears as an expansive and immense entity. We often assign names to different aspects of nature, such as mountains and oceans, which might give the impression that they are merely designated places. However, in reality, nature encompasses vast, interconnected forms of life that interact and give rise to new natural environments. This interconnectedness and the emergence of novel natural forms are made possible by the shared environment of our planet, which we all inhabit.

In today's society, the scale of a "city" approaches that of nature itself. Massive, artificial cities created entirely by humans can be seen as large environments that exert a significant impact on the surrounding natural world. In this studio, we critically examine the tension between nature and human intervention. We study and reevaluate the concept of architecture, exploring its inherent connections with the surrounding environment. By doing so, we aim to expand the possibilities of design by creating scenery that integrates seamlessly with architecture.

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