
Melody is an urban researcher-designer with a focus on culture and public space, currently a Research Assistant Professor at the School of Architecture, Chinese University of Hong Kong. Lived and worked in global cities from London to Shanghai, her practice over the last two decades is recognized through award-winning masterplan and urban landscape projects. Since returning to Hong Kong in 2018, she integrates this professional knowledge and insight with her interest in cultural practices to pursue research on urbanism and cultural space, as well as conducting artistic collaboration in spatial design projects. After completing the PhD thesis on institutional cultural space with an intrinsic case study of the Hong Kong Cultural Centre, her current research investigates the topic of public space as cultural infrastructure and the spatial agency in cultural development.

Research Interests

  • Urban Design and Public Space
  • Cultural Infrastructure and Architecture
  • Inclusive Cultural Development
  • Participatory Arts and Cultural Practices


Cultural Centers in Hong Kong: Welfare Provision or Economic Instrument?

Melody Hoi-lam YIU (2022), “Cultural Centers in Hong Kong: Welfare Provision or Economic Instrument?” Architecture and Culture. 10:1, p58-75, DOI: 10.1080/20507828.2021.2020040

Public Open Spaces in Private Developments in Hong Kong

Francesco ROSSINI, Melody YIU (2020) Public Open Spaces in Private Developments in Hong Kong”. Journal of Urbanism: International Research on Placemaking and Urban Sustainability. 14:2, p237-261. DOI 10.1080/17549175.2020.1793803.

The Formation of Public Space at Cultural Buildings”. The 7th International Conference on Architecture and Built Environment

Melody YIU (2020) The Formation of Public Space at Cultural Buildings”. The 7th International Conference on Architecture and Built Environment. Conference Proceedings

Beyond Building Envelop: Urban Form of Cultural Public Space

Melody YIU (2019) “Beyond Building Envelop: Urban Form of Cultural Public Space”. XXVI International Seminar on Urban Form: Cities as Assemblages. Conference Proceedings

Honours and Recognitions

2020 7th edition INU Award for Urban Planning Literature (Premio INU Letterature Urabnistica). First Prize, Journal Article category. “Public Open Space in Private Developments in Hong Kong: New Spaces for Social Activities” (co-author with Prof. Francesco Rossini)

2019 World Architecture Festival. Future Project of the Year. “Shenzhen Bay Avenue Streetscape and Master Plan” (i.c.w.: Morphis Ltd. + Wilkinson Eyre)

2016 Hong Kong Institute of Landscape Architects Design Awards. Silver Award. “Qinhuangdao Eco-Tourism Master Plan” (urban design lead, Perkins+Will, i.c.w.: Morphis Ltd.)

2009 American Institute of Architects Hong Kong. Design Award + Sustainability Award. “Jiading Beijiao Wetland” (core design team, EDAW AECOM)

Research Projects

“From craft to production: mapping craft in contemporary architecture application in Hong Kong” Co-Investigator. (PI: Prof. Hiroyuki Shinohara). Jun2022 – Nov 2023

Direct Grant. Faculty of Social Science. CUHK. Awarded amount: HKD94,750

Mapping SDG for Urban Design: an online database and collaborative platform of global & local urban design cases in sustainable development”. Principal Investigator. Dec2021– Jun2022.

Courseware Development Grant. CUHK. Awarded amount: HKD100,000

From Tourist Landmark to Everyday Space: A study of user experience through public space at the Hong Kong Cultural Centre”. Principal Investigator. Jun2021– Nov2022.

Direct Grant. Faculty of Social Science. CUHK. Awarded amount: HKD50,000

Creative Works

“Curiosity Cabinet of Gendered Objects”. Nov 2022.

Commissioned research and participatory artwork as part of deTour Design Festival 2022, presented by PMQ, HKSAR. (Project Partner: Ms. Veera Fung Sze-Wai)

A Thousand Plateau. Aug 2021.

Space Design for multi-media immersive theatre production “A Thousand Plateau”, presented by the West Kowloon Cultural District (performing arts)

YIU Melody Page

Research Assistant Professor

Executive MSc in Cities (LSE)
PhD in Architecture (CUHK)

Rm. 208, Lee Shau Kee Architecture Building, CUHK

3943 6516

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