14sep 01 min

The lecture will overview research activities of the NUS Urban Analytics Lab, a research group that explores the interface of emerging urban data sources, crowdsourcing, and AI techniques such as computer vision.

Speaker Filip Biljecki

Date 14.09.2022

Time 10:00

Location CYT 203, CUHK; and via Zoom

The lecture will overview research activities of the NUS Urban Analytics Lab, a research group that explores the interface of emerging urban data sources, crowdsourcing, and AI techniques such as computer vision. The Lab is spearheading research lines such as new means to generate and analyse high resolution data of the urban form, and developing novel instruments to assess and support urban sustainability.

Filip Biljecki is assistant professor in geoinformatics at the National University of Singapore. His background is in Geomatic engineering. He received an MSc and a PhD degree (cum laude) from the Delft University of Technology in the Netherlands, specialising in 3D city modelling & digital twins. Filip has been involved in the Open Geospatial Consortium as Co-Chair.

The new lecture course “Environmental Design for Liveable and Healthy Cities” is open to all CUHK students and staff – you may join in person at CYT 203 (am sessions) or Lee Shau Kee Architecture Building Zone F (pm sessions) or via Zoom.

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