12 Oct 01 min

It is projected that nearly 70% of the global population will be living in urban areas in 2050.

Speaker Dr. LU Yi

Date 12.10.2022

Time 10:00

Location CYT 203, CUHK; and via Zoom

It is projected that nearly 70% of the global population will be living in urban areas by 2050. This rapid urbanization and change in lifestyles have caused a sharp decline in urban residents’ physical activity levels. The built environment is increasingly being recognized as an essential factor that can promote or hinder physical activity and health outcomes. In this lecture, Dr. LU will reveal complex relationship between built environment and physical activity in high-density cities.

Dr. LUis interested in the research areas of healthy cities, spatial analysis, and environment-behavior studies. He published over 90 SCI/SSCI articles in leading academic journals. He was awarded over HK$2m external research grants as principal investigator from various agencies, such as Research Grants Council of the Hong Kong, National Natural Science Foundation of China. He also served as deputy director of Environmental-behavior Research Committee in China, and editorial board member with Landscape and Urban planning.

The new lecture course “Environmental Design for Liveable and Healthy Cities” is open to all CUHK students and staff – you may join in person at CYT 203 (am sessions) or Lee Shau Kee Architecture Building Zone F (pm sessions) or via Zoom.

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