Mini Conference 01

Rethinking primary school spaces for teaching, learning and well-being:
An emergent cross-strait redesign movement in Hong Kong, Shenzhen and Taiwan

Date 5.9.2024 - 7.9.2024

Time 09:00 - 17:30

Venue CUHK School of Architecture; Hong Kong

This mini-conference aims to connect researchers with industry pioneers on the emergent movement – redesigning future primary school spaces for teaching, learning and well-being. To support education in the 21st century, various large-scale improvement works have been initiated to renovate, redesign and/or repurpose existing school premises.

In 2019, Taiwan Design Research Institute (TDRI) was commissioned by the Ministry of Education to organize Design Movement on Campus for “campus aesthetic reform”. Meanwhile in Shenzhen, a campaign namely Nanshan-ing - 100 Campus Renewal Plan in Shenzhen was initiated in 2022 to improve 100 school spaces. Both schemes demonstrated a highly collaborative effort between educational practitioners, architects and the government.

In 2017, CUHK initiated the Hong Kong Jockey Club Positive Education “Ascend and Radiate” Project (JC-PEAR) to promote well-being in learning environments through participatory and evidence-based approaches, including the investigation on how redesigned physical environments can influence well-being of students as a participatory redesign and evaluation model supported by empirical evidence. In 2020-2022, more school premises have been redesigned through “Jockey Club Project Well-being” by The Hong Kong Jockey Club.

To synergise and exemplify Social Science for the Public Good, this conference will strengthen design-research ideas, facilitate knowledge exchange and establish future collaborations in the cross-strait regions.

Dr. Jimmy Ho, PhD
Conference Organizer and Lecturer,
School of Architecture, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
September, 2024

Virtual Exhibition (Mini-Conference)


Conference Programme

Virtual tours (Design Movement on Campus 學美.美學—校園美感設計實踐計畫, TDRI)

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