Date 13.04.2022

Location Hong Kong

Prof. Adam Fingrut
receives the CUHK Faculty of Social Science Exemplary Teaching Award 2021, as recognition for his outstanding teaching performance and contribution to the University.

Prof. Fingrut teaches graduate-level design studios, undergraduate lectures, and electives across both streams in computational design and architectural technology. He has developed an innovative teaching pedagogy with his architecture students, demonstrating how emerging technology is integral to design thinking by exposing students to a process of discovery learning.

His current research projects involve exploring the relationship between computational design solutions, the role of robotics in fabrication, and the realities of on-site construction. His research is cross-disciplinary and includes collaboration with mechanical and automation Engineers, structural engineers, and construction industry leaders throughout the Hong Kong and Guangdong region. Highlighted projects include the ZCB Bamboo Pavilion (2015) and “CU-Brick” (ongoing).

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