Prof. CHU, Cecilia L. (朱慰先)

Cecilia L. Chu is an Associate Professor in the School of Architecture at CUHK. Her work focuses on the social and cultural processes that shape the forms of the built environment and their impacts on local communities. Her ongoing projects include a study of the socio-technical histories of infrastructure in Hong Kong and a comparative research of heritage and conservation practices in Asia.

Research Interests

  • History and Theory of Architecture and Planning
  • Comparative Urban Studies
  • Critical Heritage Studies
  • Conservation and Regeneration
  • Cultural Landscapes
  • Histories and Futures of Environmental Design

Prof. CHUNG, Wang Leung Thomas (鍾宏亮)

Thomas Chung is an Associate Professor in the School of Architecture at the Chinese University of Hong Kong. His current research is driven by the regenerative approach to includes countryside conservation, co-creative place-making and design for well-being. Ongoing projects on rural revitalization and co-creative conservation range from competitive grants and government funding to research consultancies and design projects.

Research Interests

  • Regenerative Design
  • Countryside Conservation
  • Urban-Rural Regeneration
  • Architecture and culture
  • Design for Well-being

Prof. FERRETTO, Peter W.

Peter W. Ferretto is an Architect, Director in the School of Architecture at the Chinese University of Hong Kong, Associate Professor and Founding Director of the Condition_Lab. Design, Research and Teaching are all integral to his architectural position, vis-à-vis helping communities through design.

Research Interests

  • Relationship between Architectural Design and the City
  • Urban Residual Spaces
  • Architectural Design Methodology
  • Rural Village Regeneration
  • Adaptive Re-use
  • Urban Conditions
  • Architectural Critical Theory

Prof. GOUDSMIT, Inge (伊葛)

Inge Goudsmit is an Assistant Professor in the School of Architecture at the Chinese University of Hong Kong. Her research interests are situated at the boundary between Architecture and Social Sciences, focusing on the influence of urban politics on the (social) production and appropriation of architecture.

Research Interests

  • Urban Politics
  • Social Production of Space
  • Spatial Triad
  • Lived Spaces
  • Iconic Architecture
  • Cultural Flagship Buildings
  • Public Buildings
  • Public Space
  • Urban Imaginaries
  • New Towns

Prof. HE, Yueyang (何越陽)

He Yueyang is a Research Assistant Professor in the School of Architecture at the Chinese University of Hong Kong, specializing in sustainable urban design/planning and microclimate modeling. He possesses expertise in utilizing wind tunnel and Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) modeling tools, along with proficiency in Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) remote sensing technology.

Research Interests

  • High-Density Urban Morphology
  • Pedestrian-Level Wind Environment
  • Upper-Air Wind Profiling
  • Urban Extreme Hot Weather
  • Indoor Air Quality and Thermal Comfort

Prof. JASPER, Adam

Adam Jasper is an Assistant Professor in the School of Architecture at the Chinese University of Hong Kong. His broad research interests in the history, theory, and criticism of architecture range from the design of Hong Kong’s hospitals to irrigation infrastructure in Eastern Indonesia.

Research Interests

  • History of Architecture
  • Theory of Architecture
  • History of Urbanism
  • Art Criticism
  • Urban Ethnography
  • Philosophy of Aesthetics

Prof. MA KINGSLEY, Maggie (馬潔怡)

Maggie Ma Kingsley is an Assistant Professor in the School of Architecture at the Chinese University of Hong Kong. As a practising architect, her works strive to balance complex desires for long-term sustainability through empathic engagement and tectonic design. Her research extends her practice into the advocacy of spatial equality, focusing on homes, rural development, community engagement, and innovative design methods; on the other hand, it brings reflection to the fundamental role of architects in society.

Research Interests

  • Socio-spatial design
  • Engagement method
  • Social architecture
  • Housing and homes
  • Rural architecture and development
  • Architects’ role
  • Practice of architect

Prof. MO, Kar Him (毛家謙)

Mo Kar Him is an Assistant Professor in the School of Architecture and Urban Studies Programme, The Chinese University of Hong Kong. His research focuses on healthy ageing, intergenerational living, participatory design, and community planning, advocating for an equitable and inclusive built environment for all, especially our ageing population.

Research Interests

  • Age-friendly Cities
  • Healthy Ageing/ Ageing-in-place/ Intergenerational Living
  • Housing Design
  • Service Design and Integration
  • Public Space Design
  • Participatory Design and Community Empowerment
  • Urban Commons and Commoning

Prof. ROSSINI, Francesco

Francesco Rossini is an architect, urban designer and Associate Professor in the School of Architecture at the Chinese University of Hong Kong. He has participated in different research programmes, collaborating with the Department of Urban Planning at the University of Naples, Department of Urbanism at UPC in Barcelona, and Tongji University in Shanghai at College of Architecture and Urban Design (CAUP).

Research Interests

  • Public Space in High-density Cities
  • Placemaking Interventions and Bottom-up Processes
  • Urban informality and Upgrading Strategies

Prof. SHINOHARA, Hiroyuki (篠原寬之)

Hiroyuki Shinohara is an Assistant Professor in the School of Architecture at the Chinese University of Hong Kong. His cur­rent research direction brings together craft, material, and tech­nology to evaluate and upgrade the use of local materials and traditional making techniques for contemporary architectural design.

Research Interests

  • Material and Making
  • Knowledge Transfer of Traditional Craftsmanship
  • Language and Architecture
  • Types and the Idea of City
  • Architectural Pedagogy

Prof. TIEBEN, Hendrik (田恆德)

Hendrik Tieben is an architect, researcher and educator devoted to the creation of healthy and inclusive cities. He is a Professor and Associate Director of the School of Architecture at the Chinese University of Hong Kong. He focuses on public space and the relationship between urban forms, health, and wellbeing. In this context, he developed a series of placemaking projects empowering local communities.

Research Interests

  • Urban Design
  • History and Theory
  • Sustainable Communities
  • Public Space
  • Community Empowerment

Prof. VAN AMEIJDE, Jeroen Bastiaan (梵敏淵)

Jeroen van Ameijde is Assistant Professor and Director of the MSc. in Urban Design Programme at the School of Architecture, The Chinese University of Hong Kong. His research interests focus on the intersection between urban design and architecture at dense urban locations, exploring how the organisation and mixing of social, cultural and economic activities can be guided through advanced computational methods for data management and design testing.

Research Interests

  • Urban Architecture, Urban Planning and Design
  • Public Space Analysis and Design
  • Public Housing
  • Urban Analytics and Big Data Analysis
  • Data-driven and Generative Design

Prof. WANG, Shuaizhong (王帥中)

Shuaizhong Wang is an Assistant Professor in the School of Architecture at the Chinese University of Hong Kong. His work and research interest intersects diverse areas such as architectural and structural design theory, pedagogy, computation, tectonic culture and construction history, sustainable structural design and reuse, graphic statics, interdisciplinary collaboration, and neuro-architecture.

Research Interests

  • Sustainable Design and Construction
  • Digital Construction Methods and Theory
  • Structural Optimisation and Algorithms
  • Construction History and Structural Theory
  • Architectural and Structural Design Pedagogy
  • Neuro-architecture and VR

Prof. YIU, Hoi Lam Melody (姚凱琳)

Melody Yiu is a Research Assistant Professor in the School of Architecture at the Chinese University of Hong Kong. As an urban researcher-designer, she focuses on investigating public space as cultural infrastructure and exploring the spatial agency within cultural development.

Research Interests

  • Urban Design and Public Space
  • Cultural Infrastructure and Architecture
  • Inclusive Cultural Development
  • Participatory Arts and Cultural Practices

Prof. ZHU, Jingxiang (朱競翔)

Zhu Jingxiang is an Associate Professor in the School of Architecture at the Chinese University of Hong Kong. His research focuses on new spatial structures, lightweight building systems and sustainable building technologies.

Research Interests

  • Affordable Architecture
  • Building Integration
  • Lightweight Building System
  • Materialization
  • Structure as Space
  • Spatial Organization
  • Design Methodology
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